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Welcome to the web site of the law office of Svatoš, Svatošová and partners

The Law office provides all-round legal services to Czech and foreign clients. Our lawyers cover a wide spectrum of specializations which can be delivered in a number of different languages.

The Law office of Svatoš, Svatošová and partners as a lawyers association have been
providing legal services since 1999. We are continuing a tradition of providing legal service
by JUDr. Petr Svatoš since 1987, so the law office has a longstanding professional experience
in providing legal services to clients from the whole of the Czech Republic. The Law office has the seat of the law office in Ostrava and a branch office in Zlín.

Law office partners are JUDr. Petr Svatoš and JUDr. Renata Svatošová.
Legal team consists of 7 legal professional.

Ostrava, Moravská Ostrava, Sadová 1585/7, Czech Republic

+420 596 138 717
+420 596 138 716

+420 596 118 968

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